From shinty, badminton and football teams and leagues; Jujitsu and Island Games squads, school swimming lessons to mountain bike champions - they're all funded by the generosity of fish farmers who understand the importance of maintaining strong, healthy communities in often remote rural locations.
Employees also volunteer in mountain rescue squads, on community councils and lend their skills to fire-fighting teams.
Good, informed relationships are important for all: the communities are provided with the means to receive both direct and indirect benefits of the business operations, and the companies have more opportunities to explain plans and operations.
In Salmon Scotland’s Community Engagement Charter, salmon producers commit to operating “with transparency, openness, honesty and integrity” in their communities and to encouraging local sourcing where possible.
Added to that Scotland's salmon farmers pump millions of pounds into local communities every year through salaries and taxes. The sector directly employs 2,300 people along the west coast of Scotland, Orkney and Shetland, with 10,000 more people working in the supply chain relying on salmon farming's success for their own employment.