Many people use food supplements to complement their diets, particularly if they are trying to reduce their meat consumption. Some athletes and fitness fanatics love their powders and meal-replacement shakes, as they offer a potential quick fix for their protein needs.
However, nothing beats whole foods and natural nutrition. The first food that comes to mind when thinking about proteins are eggs, which feature in dishes all around the world. But Scottish salmon actually contains more protein per gram than eggs, as well as offering a host of other nutrients and vitamins.
An average 140 gram portion of farmed salmon is packed with a whopping 34 grams of protein and thanks also to its long-chain Omega-3s fatty acids, it is one of the foods recommended by the Food Standards Agency.
But why do we need protein anyway?
Protein is an essential nutrient. It is responsible for building tissue, cells and muscle and for producing hormones and antibodies. Protein needs to feature in everyone’s diet, but it is particularly important for children, for pregnant and breast feeding women, the elderly and people who have a regular fitness regime. After exercising, consuming protein is important as muscles need it to recover and grow.
How much protein should we eat?
The British Nutrition Foundation recommends that the average woman should eat 45g per day, the average man 56g. Any excess protein can be used to provide energy. At present, protein provides around 16% of energy on average in the British diet.