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  • A Better Future For Us All: pledges for a brighter future
January 25th 2022

When it comes to providing tasty, nutritious meals in an environmentally friendly way, Scotland's salmon farmers are well placed to deliver this. Scotland's farmed salmon sector recently published a major roadmap setting out its long-term vision.

This Sustainability Charter demonstrates how the sector intends to deliver real and measurable benefits, not just for the planet and prosperity, but for fish welfare and local communities too. Made up of five key pledges and 41 individual actions the Sustainability Charter Scottish Salmon: A Better Future For Us All is designed to stretch and test the sector. While the report recognises, the sector does not have all the answers as yet, it does have an exceptional workforce and supply chain with the determination to deliver.

It has now been three months since the first Sustainability Charter update. In this blog we'll outline what Salmon Scotland and our members have pledged to do to help create a better future for us all.

Animal welfare

As salmon farmers, everything revolves around good biology. This means high standards of fish health and welfare throughout a lifecycle, a principle we will continue to be guided by. We feel a similar duty of care towards other wildlife and will work with key stakeholders to take collective responsibility.

Minimising our impact on the environment

Raising healthy fish relies on a healthy habitat, so it's in all our interests to protect the environment: from adopting greener energies and working towards zero waste, to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in our own operations before 2045.


Scottish salmon is recognised the world over for its premium quality, taste, and health benefits. We want to go one step further by producing healthy, nutritious food with full traceability every step of the way so that everyone can continue to enjoy Scottish salmon with confidence.

Our people

We want to become the sector of choice for people looking to make a positive difference. People make a sector, and we are fortunate to have all manner of talented, caring individuals working within ours. We encourage an inclusive, diverse culture, empowering employees through learning and development and investing in their physical and mental wellbeing.


We're proud of the part we play in helping our communities thrive, from job creation and modern apprenticeships to skills development and support for good causes. We want to increase our positive social impact as we believe we have more to give. By widening our networks, listening to local needs, and sharing our resources and insights for the greater good, we'll continue to foster and promote positive communities.

By setting out this clear Sustainability Charter, we have the opportunity to build on the good work undertaken by individuals and businesses to date by channelling our collective focus, efforts, and resources into one shared goal - playing our part in Scotland's drive to become a net-zero society in 2045.

In the process, we can also advance animal welfare, preserve our stunning seascapes and landscapes, encourage more people to choose healthy options, enhance local livelihoods, and help Scotland's remote and rural communities flourish.