Tavish said: "Scotland's salmon farmers welcome the appointment of Professor Griggs to lead regulatory reform of our sector. We have confidence that he will fulfil his role effectively and professionally given his expertise in the Scottish business landscape.
"Scotland's salmon farmers have been requesting positive regulatory change for a long time. It would bring Scotland in line with other salmon producing countries like Norway, and therefore improve our industry's competitiveness.
"It's about having a regulatory regime that works effectively for salmon businesses, wider society and the government. We want to see better regulation that improves the efficiency of the planning system, not less regulation.
"Today marks the first step in delivering on this important manifesto promise."
Notes to Editors:
You can read the Scottish government's press statement announcing Prof. Griggs appointment here: https://www.gov.scot/news/aquaculture-review-underway/
The SSPO launched a world-leading Sustainability Charter in November 2020 which set's out the sectors commitment to Scotland for the next 50 years: www.scottishsalmon.co.uk/betterfuture
The SSPO previously welcomed the SNP manifesto commitment back in April 2021: www.scottishsalmon.co.uk/news/press-release/scotlands-salmon-farmers-have-welcomed-an-snp-commitment-to-a-swifter-and-more