
We welcome enquiries from professional journalists and can provide information, comment and photography.

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October 15th, 2019
SSPO comment on Changing Markets Foundation report

We are aware of a report by the Changing Markets Foundation which questions the sustainability of the fish meal and fish oil used in global aquaculture.

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October 3rd, 2019
Salmon farmers reject SEPA feed cap proposal

Scotland's salmon farmers have today (Thurs 3.10.19) rejected a proposal by SEPA - Scotland's environmental regulator - to introduce a feed cap.

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October 1st, 2019
Muck, Rum and Social Licence

There is an honesty box at the end of the pontoon set up for yachties on the Isle of Muck, off Scotland's west coast.

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September 8th, 2019
New Chair appointed for SSPO

Atholl Duncan has today (8th August) been appointed as the new Chair of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO).

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August 1st, 2019
Brexit: Time is of the essence

JUST consider these figures for a second: 911, 1,081 and 1,282.

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June 14th, 2019
Swapping meat for fish can cut risk of early death

Exchanging meat for fish in your diet can cut the risk of an early death by up to a quarter, according to a major new international survey.

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May 20th, 2019
SSPO response to BBC Panorama's 'Salmon Farming Exposed'

The Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO) fully cooperated with the BBC Panorama team, including giving them access to the SSPO's chief executive Julie Hesketh-Laird.

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May 14th, 2019
Opinion: Don't blame farms for nationwide decline

THE first proper spring salmon I ever saw was pulled from the icy waters of the Tay on a bitter March day 20 years ago.

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March 18th, 2019
Snail caviar, Scottish salmon and Boston Seafood 2019

Snail caviar: of all the strange and wonderful products on show at the Boston seafood expo, snail caviar has to be the most bizarre.

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March 14th, 2019
Scottish salmon farms call for tighter enforcement levels for sea lice

Marine Scotland should "tighten its action level for the enforcement of measures against sea lice", according to the Scottish Salmon Producer Organisation (SSPO).

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March 13th, 2019
SSPO calls for tighter enforcement levels for sea lice

The Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO) has called for tighter enforcement levels for sea lice.

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January 8th, 2019
Salmon: Telling Scotland's success story

My former colleagues in Grub Street were ready with the quips and the gags when I announced I was leaving newspapers after nearly 30 years to join the salmon industry.

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